Bad Weather Policy

Monster Jump is an outdoor attraction and is sometimes affected by bad weather conditions.

Bad Weather

  • Bad weather includes but is not limited to wind, rain & snow.

  • Weather conditions are assessed daily prior to opening and continuously throughout the day.

  • Monster Jump may close or cancel a days events with little to no prior notice.

  • Monster Jump will close when winds/gusts exceed 24mph.

  • Wind speed is monitored consistently throughout the day.

  • Monster Jump will remain open in light rain, however some elements might be closed if they become too slippery such as the slide. 

  • Monster Jump will close if rain becomes too heavy/consistent.

  • If the inflatable is too wet after a shower it may be closed for the remainder of the day for drying.

  • Monster Jump will close in the event of snow, sleet, hail or thunder.

  • Monster Jump may close in severe heat. 

Cancelled Events/Refunds


  • If the event is cancelled prior to opening, all ticket holders are notified via email and given the opportunity to rebook their sessions. 

  • If the event is cancelled partway through a session, customers will be given a open ticket to return on any day of their choosing. Monster Jump is operational annually at lakeside shopping centre from April - September. Open tickets are valid for 12 months.

  • If a session is cancelled with less than 30 minutes remaining, no open ticket or refund will be issued. 

  • All future customers of the day affected will be contacted and notified if their session is affected.